Solid Principles
The Berkeley Consulting Group’s theme statement is “Collective Wisdom … Fresh Ideas”. The principles underlying our practice of consulting flow from these four words.
Teams Create Better Ideas
The Berkeley Consulting Group forms teams to bring collective [wisdom] experience and multiple perspectives to most assignments. We know the value of mixing skills and cross-fertilizing perspectives to develop fresh ideas.
Focus on Business Results of all Assignments
Clients ask for consulting support in various ways. The reality is that underneath each request is a desire to improve business performance. As consultants, we need to focus on making that link and ensuring the project delivers value in those terms.
We Believe in Customization, not in ‘black-box’ Methods or Prescribed Answers
To truly help, we customize consulting teams and methodologies to suit the client’s situation. We have and use methodologies but we are not their slaves. Methods need to be customized and adapted to the circumstances, not applied inflexibly by junior staff following a manual.
Combining Facilitated Process with Sound Thinking
Most consulting projects ought to combine sound thinking or content with good process or facilitation. The two go hand-in-hand. Both are needed to create fresh ideas. More importantly, for ideas to get implemented, they need to be collectively understood and accepted within the client organization. That happens because of facilitation and process.
Keeping Current is a Priority with Berkeley as a Means of Keeping Fresh
Our network approach, with involvement of people with other perspectives and linkages with other organizations, is crucial to achieving this principle. Involvement with Schulich Business School helps us keep current with business academic research and thinking. Client and collegial relationships around the world provide another window that lets fresh ideas in.
Delivering Value by Focusing on Individual Client Needs and Maintaining Ongoing Relationships
The Berkeley Consulting Group is small enough to maintain a senior focus on each client and to customize its work to those clients’ needs. Client satisfaction is key and we are flexible to changing situations and needs. We endeavour to ensure we deliver value and not simply spend the entire budget available. Sometimes, we need to adjust to new developments and redirect our work to priority areas. We value ongoing relationships. That provides professional rewards for us. It also allows us to leverage the established knowledge about a client’s business and be able to provide sound advice using less time (which means more cheaply) on repeat engagements.
Berkeley Brings Together Seasoned Associates with Sector Specific Knowledge and Skills on Assignments
We value experience and use junior consultants sparingly where their lower cost is warranted and only when senior people are actively involved. We value the wisdom and judgement that comes from experience in consulting and practice.