Seven Steps for Showing Your True Colours
DAVID HURST – Read his Bio Here Globe and Mail Update February 9, 2009 at 6:00 AM EST The only valid tests of our beliefs and those of our organizations are in actions taken under pressure. The sudden change in economic fortunes has given organizations an unexpected opportunity to show their true colours. And their people are watching. It is a challenge that will test the boilerplate on corporate values in countless annual reports and set every organization’s tone for years to come. Will the stories to be told of the Crash of...
read moreDavid Hurst Quoted in Forbes Face-To-Face Doing Business The Quaker Way Mark Lewis, 10.09.09 “I think that managers can adapt certain elements and the guiding spirit of the Quaker business meeting to their purposes,” said Margaret Benefiel, a Boston-based management consultant and the author of Soul at Work: Spiritual Leadership in Organizations. Those elements include “a quiet, reflective frame of mind, mutual respect, [and] the idea that no one person has all the truth, but must listen deeply to others to gain a fuller picture of the...
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